Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Apple Tablet Is Coming, Whether We Need It or Not

Internet detectives are dredging up details around Apple's tablet computer. The Wall Street Journal noted the device aims to change the personal computing experience. Meanwhile, blogger Joe Wilcox argued that the world does not need another tablet, at least not one when the world has smartphones such as Apple's iPhone. He was quickly eviscerated in digital ink by TechCrunch blogger and Apple devotee MG Siegler and blogger/pundit Robert Scoble. If this Apple tablet proposes to dramatically alter the computing experience as we know it and ends up costing $500 or less someday, I will reconsider buying it or something of its ilk. - News Analysis: Just as blogger sleuths gradually unearthed the fine
points surrounding Google's Nexus One smartphone, Internet detectives are dredging up
details of Apple's tablet computer.
The Wall Street Journal reported (paywall) that the tablet will ship in
March, quoting sources briefed by ...


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