Saturday, August 21, 2010

Celebrating A Year Of Apple Pondering Google Voice

My, how quickly things change. It wasn't much more than a year ago that Apple and Google were happy partners ? at least from the public's perspective ? working in tandem to push technology forward at a clip pace. Google's search and various apps complimented the iPhone perfectly, and the existing Android phones merely affirmed how much better the iPhone was than everything else on the market. And then everything went to hell.

Late last July, we broke the news that Apple blocked Google's official Voice application and removed any third-party applications that supported the service, sparking an FCC inquiry into why Google Voice was banned from the iPhone. Today marks the one year anniversary of Apple's response to the FCC, in which it gave a remarkably disingenuous explanation as to why Google Voice wasn't on the iPhone: Apple was still "pondering" the matter. A year later, it apparently still is.

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